I bought this bike late April. It was very difficult to put together due to poor instructions, so unless you are very familiar with bikes I wouldn't recommend buying it online. The bigger issue, though, is that the bike simply is not as advertised. Under the best conditions, the top speed is only 18mph. Furthermore, the battery dies EXTREMELY quickly. When it was brand new I couldn't even go 10 miles round trip without it dying. Now, after just 4 months of occasional use, it won't even last for 5 miles even with a break in between. Also, every piece that came pre-put together (i.e. the back fender) has lost its screws. The handle bar ***** has to be retightened constantly to the point that it's probably stripped now. The paint chips incredibly easily. Please note that I store the bike INSIDE and when I have to leave it out, I bring the battery inside. After my second ride I contacted the company about returning the bike because of clear issues, but they said I had to return it in original condition and packing - of course i had already thrown the giant box out by then so I couldn't return it, but even if I could, they couldn't guarantee I would actually get my money back. I have barely scratched the surface on my frustrations with this bike. All in all, I regret this purchase and wish I had just spent a little more money on a better bike from a different company.